Sunday, September 05, 2004

Okay, so it's been quite a while before the last release. I guess I'm obligated to make an excuse of some sort; this will probably involve things like school and loss of secondary translator. It would be aggravated by additional issues with my desktop like that it won't even run media player, never mind Virtualdub or avisynth. So I'm reformatting again and that's gonna cost a few hours.

Yes, we know we're running very late. For this we apologize. But please understand our situation too.


Anonymous said...

If you need to apologize then only for not saying anything about the delay, and that only because your previous reports on delays were very timely and detailed and have set a precedent that way. ;)
I do admit that I was checking animesuki frequently, and seeing no new UPS episode there, I also kept checking your torrents and your blog page to make sure I'm not missing anything. ;)
As always, since you (i.e. WeSuck as a group, did I mention that you don't suck at all, but I like understatement so I think it's a good name) are doing all the work, you may do it at your own pace, as it fits into your schedule and the circumstances.
Too bad computer trouble are part of our lives, especially as soon as Windows comes into the picture... I just had a Norton Antivirus quarantining itself and some parts of windows due to a heuristic gone wild.
Towards the beginning of the series you have proven that you can produce episodes much faster than once a week, so I trust you will catch up on the backlog before long.
As alway sthanks very much for your efforts.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't too concerned as I figured that the new school year had barely begun (and we all know how hectic THAT time can be). So I don't see this as an excuse.

However, as for the computer issues, I'm waffling on this one, primarily because I think Windows (any version) is a steaming pile of canine excrement. But then again, if all you have is a PC, you aren't exactly endowed with many alternatives (I've heard very mixed reviews about Cinelarra, and I don't know if there are any other good utilities for Unix for fansubbing). ;)


Anonymous said...

Er.... lemme qualify my first paragraph a bit better.

I said that "I don't see this as an excuse." Rather, I see this as a legitimate reason (or at the very least, a valid excuse, anyway). My apologies. *blush*


Anonymous said...

Er.... lemme qualify my first paragraph a bit better.

I said that "I don't see this as an excuse." Rather, I see this as a legitimate reason (or at the very least, a valid excuse, anyway). My apologies. *blush*


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it.
We all love u anyways!
Quality over quantity and soforth!
And u have more important things to worry about too, like school, etc.
Alas, as a Windows user, I have heard bad comments about this OS, but I myself have had no problems that I couldn't sort out myself. I NEVER have a bluescreen and I run XP on 2 machines.

Take it easy :)

Anonymous said...

you guys are the only ones i trust with my UPS, and if i have to wait a month between episodes for it, i'll wait a month between episodes, as long as your posting on your site now and then to reassure us that your still alive and well, im happy as im sure many fans are!

Blah... said...

No one else will do the show...
I like it enough to wait a while.
You guys do a great job and I am sure you can bounce back. You always do!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about it guys. We don't pay for this. Get it done when it gets done. And make sure your runing windows XP :P. The Only semi-decent version of windows (I know it can got weeks with out a restart but it still got lots of issues, like crashing explorer when try to do anything with a video file that crupt because it's try to run the file for thumbnail images.)


Anonymous said...

FYI, there is another group subbing UPS: AnimeCo ( They're subbed the show up to ep17, and earlier episodes are still available. (No, I am not affiliated with them in any way).

To Suck team: wow, a group that actually goes as far as apologizing for being late. Well, you suck at typography, but the T/L is more than adequate, and consistent in quality as well. Keep up, guys :)

Random Quote

<Torgen> Next I'll claim that my translations are perfect, and any apparent errors are really elaborate typos.
<MSH> typos introduced by the keyboard of course, not by you!
<Torgen> naturally.
<_bla_> Torgen: why is group called "we suck" then not "my keyboard sucks" ?
<Torgen> typo.
<Torgen> Tyreal: not enough room in your nick for |sucks?
<Tyreal|Seeking|Enlightenment> crap!
<Tyreal|Seeking|Enlightenment> I suck!
* Tyreal|Seeking|Enlightenment is now known as Tyreal|Enlightenment|Sucks
<Tyreal|Enlightenment|Sucks> phew
<Tyreal|Sucks> Torgen: how DID you do those DVD type subs by the way :P
<Tyreal|Sucks> just got fonts that looked like that, or used an actual dvd subtitling proggie
<Torgen> It's Arial.
<Torgen> I used TextSub.
<Tyreal|Sucks> ahh
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> Torgen: THERE YOU ARE
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> Torgen: do you really think I suck ;_;
<Torgen> no.
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> oh good
<Torgen> I was a little worried that it'd be interpreted that way, though.
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> Torgen: nah, I just laughed for about 2 hours
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> When I started getting pm's about it
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> "You're from we-suck"
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> apparently we-suck is popular with the french
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> Don't ask me why XD
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> They say they want to "worship you"
<Torgen> I'll put you in parenths next time so it's clear you just post the raws.
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> no, put Tyreal|Sucks in there
<Tyreal|Work|Sucks> I'm amused by this now, I kind of like it XD
<Shouta> <WeSuck> You = my bitch
<Torgen> Yeah, it's like taking the ghost suit of the ghost lego man and putting it on the astronaut lego man.
<Torgen> The ghost lego man is now just a normal lego man with a featureless face.
<Torgen> while the astronaut gets to look out through the ghost suit's eyeholes.
<Spyre> Torgen that has to be the best analogy ever.
<Spyre> Thats EXACTLY what its like!
* Spyre is in awe
<kara|hw> i told crustol...
<kara|hw> '私解析していてちょっぴり濡れちゃった。'
<kara|hw> he hasnt talked to me in a while
(Trans. note: this is Yoriko's line from about 7 minutes into BPS 03-2)
<AWAY-Bomb|AutoShow> Whee!
<AWAY-Bomb|AutoShow> Suck!
<Torgen> no, because Hawaii would have been right
<Torgen> but it was wrong.
<Torgen> so it was left.
<Torgen> :(foot)
<Torgen> Think you could co-produce some Gundam show with cat girls in it?
<Jekichu-clone> girls...
<Jekichu-clone> ...
<Jekichu-clone> ....
<Jekichu-clone> no
<Torgen> Like have cat-girls (and boys, and women, and men) instead of Newtypes or Coordinators...
<Torgen> or whatever other gundam series had.
<Jekichu-clone> laf, thats straight up pornographic
<Torgen> think of the ratings!
<Jekichu-clone> rawwwrrrr
<PyRC> basket, if everything is recursive, maybe there are no fansubs.
<Torgen> And Ensei doesn't sound like I expected him to when I first saw him...
<Torgen> He looks all gruff...
<Torgen> and he sounds so comical.
<arcImpulse> and you expected...
<Torgen> him to sound all gruff, like those assassins...
<Torgen> but he sounds uncultured;
<Torgen> not rogueish.
<Torgen> it's like, if he said "wanna come over and watch the game?" I'd take a moment to realize that was an anachronism.
<arcImpulse> if you think he sounds weird... just wait till we get to Eccentric Kou
<arcImpulse> and you'd be like...holy anachronism~~
<Torgen> what, does Kou sound like a robot or something?
<arcImpulse> damn, I couldn't fool you, ne?